Monday, August 25, 2014

Creating a Turnitin Assignment

1. Locate course content area
2. Click Assessments
3. Name the Assignment
4. Assign point value
5. Pick Start Date
6. Pick Due Date
7. Pick Post Date (when you want grades to display to students)
8. Select Submit

click image below to see details of screenshot

Uploading a file to blackboard learn 9

1. Locate course content area
2. Build Content
3. Select File
4. Title the document
5. Browse for file
6. Permit users to view content
7. Press Submit

click image below to see details of screenshot

Religious Studies Online Teaching Manual Updated Fall 2014

Click to download-

The Teaching Assistant’s Blackboard 9 Tutorial updated fall 2014-white template.pptx -

Click to download updated manual

Changing Quiz Due Dates for ALL students

  1. Locate Quiz area under the Left hand panel inside blackboard (example: Assessments)
  2. Locate the Quiz - click the drop down arrow next to the quiz title
  3. Select Edit the Test Options
  5. Edit DUE DATE 
  6. Click Submit

Click image below to see screenshot details

How to create an announcement Blackboard Learn 9

Announcements appear in the order posted, with the most recent announcements appearing first.
  1. In the Course Tools area of the Control Panel, click Announcements.
  2. From the action bar, select Create Announcement.
  3. Provide a subject and message.
  4. Set the Duration.
    1. ​To keep the announcement visible until it is manually removed, select Not Date Restricted.
  5. ​To send students an email containing the announcement, check the Send a copy of this announcement immediately checkbox. The email will be sent to all students — even those who choose not to receive announcement notifications through email. This can be useful for very important or urgent announcements.
  6.  Click Submit.

Taken from