Different Scenarios
Scenario 1
1. Student has not attempted the quiz (no score or icon in grade center)
2. The Due Date has passed
If this is the first time the student will be attempting the quiz (in other
words, they do not have any scores for this quiz) AND if the due date for
the quiz has passed (in other words, if the quiz has closed to all students
already), do the following:
Step 1
Go to Assessments
Click the drop down menu next to the quiz you want to open
Select Adaptive Release
Uncheck the dates in the next screen (leave them blank; you will
change them in step 2)
Put in the username of the students you want to open the quiz
for in the Membership Field (separated by commas) - if you dont know their
username, select browse and check off the names of the students
Then leave everything else the way it is and press Submit
Step 2
Go to Assessments
Click the drop down menu next to the quiz you want to open
Select Edit Test Options
Under Test Availability - change the End
Display date to the new extended date you are giving the students
Under Due Date - change it to the same date you
changed the End Display Date.
Press Submit
Now you have only opened the quiz for the students you specified
in the Adaptive Release screen.
Scenario 2
1. The student attempted the quiz (score or icon in the gradecenter)
2. The Due Date has passed.
If this student had a problem
taking the quiz the first time AND has a score in the Gradebook, but you
want to give the student another chance to complete the quiz AND the due date
for the quiz has passed. Follow Step 1 and Step 2 above and Step
3 below:
Step 3
Go to Grade Center
Go to Full Grade Center
Find the score or icon of the student whose grade you want reset
Select the drop down menu next to the score
Click View Grade Details
Select Clear Attempt for the score you want to
And, now this student can attempt the quiz
again, and the quiz is only available to him/her.
Scenario 3
1. The student attempted the quiz (score or icon in the grade center)
2. The Due Date has NOT passed.
If the due date for the quiz has not past, but
the student had a problem taking the quiz the first time AND has a score
in the Gradebook, then only do Step 3.